Explore our collection of stickers to take your planning to the next level! Whether you want an explosion of colors, fabulous holo stickers or something more subtle, we got you covered!

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Use stickers in your planner or notebook
Three suggestions for how you can use stickers in your daily life
1. Color code your different tasks with stickers and pens, to get an easy and quick overview of what needs to be done and to identify when there’s too much of something that stresses you out.
2. Do you like the idea of those creative bullet journaling spreads you’ve seen, but lack the time and patience to make yours as Pinterest-perfect as you dream of? A custom BuJo-themed planner layout paired with pretty stickers will salvage even the worst of handwriting skills!
3. Involve the whole family! Stickers make things easier for even the youngest to join in on the planning and feel included.